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Biyernes, Pebrero 21, 2014

Planner Do Up Week #8 (Yr.2014)

2014 is my Year of Arts and Crafts and Planner Do Up!
I am new to Planner Decking,but since I love clinging to tints and shades,
I will prettify my jotter to my heart's content!
Papertapes aren't available in Ormoc,but decotapes are!
So I have been pendulous for the past weeks...

Dots,patterns and mints this week!

My February "To Pay" Leaf

Week #6 Theme: Saunter Week> All about wayfaring!

Chi chi Sharpie-like Pens. 

Week #7 Theme: Red Loops (Just Stick Ups)

New Fruity Sticky Tapes for the weeks to come!!

Last Sunday's Think Crib...
Where amazing concepts begin.

My new Sprouting Mushroom Jotter,Teal Elephant Pen,Cantaloupe Rub Out...

I am Planner-Woozy!!

Huwebes, Pebrero 20, 2014

Bento Twinkling with new Bento Tools

Made another quick trip to my favorite canister castle,Japan Yen Shop and saw these squad!
The pliant bear food separator,beary cherry-apple syrup flasks,yellow lunch box,paper towels (in crazy dots),and sweetmeats holder are just so lovely I'm going bonkers.
He he he  ..

The Bento Snaps!

Paramount vessel with sliced nanas,dwarf mallows,brown crackers,and choco syrup in a tub.

Staged these sweetie pancake faces for Valentines

Dots sugary chews,mints and bonbons for Bento baon.


Cheery Spots *02/14*

Home of the best Pork Barbecue and Crispy Dinuguan!

Scrumptious sweet and sour fish,fried rice,liempo and fried chicken here guys!
Truly delish.

Bought these dolls from a Px depot in front of "Balai"

Then there's a Zagu franchise near Villa Hotel.

And an unswerving favorite...
Japan Yen Shop,inside BOSSS Home Store

A secluded little resort for carefree peeps!

Blest List #14

1.) Big braids! Dot's "Frozen"-crazy!  Elsa motivates her every clever move. Shrewd kid.
2.) Share a Toy donation. Tacloban still needs help. I pray for more generous hearts to come into sight.
3.) New Specbags maker.Mum this time.
4.) Learning to churn out faultless pancakes for ze dot.
5.) Started with the first rota of my Sunday gluco-walk with folks.
6.) "Balai" foodstuff.
7.) Px Goods
8.) Export Overruns for Walk Wear.He he...
9.) Chi chi spec supplier. So near! Very accessible.
10.) Novo papertapes. Fruity and sneaky! 
11.) Sent a very decorous email for Pop.
12.) Cohort's delivery setup.
13.) Dot's commendable study sched.
14.) Silly kawaii tabernacle.
15.) Sunlife mediator's serene assistance. 
16.) Coarse paper notepads for mum.
17.) BPI eprepaid ingenuity
18.) Dot's own decotapes from Novo
19.) Fatty chops
20.) BOCommerce can fill up

Miyerkules, Pebrero 5, 2014

What is Bento? >> The Unfussy Kick Off

 Wiki:Bento is a single-portion takeout or home-packed meal common in Japan.A traditional bento holds rice, fish or meat, with cooked vegetables,usually in a box-shaped container.Bento can be elaborately arranged in a style called "kyaraben" ("character bento"),typically decorated to look like popular characters from Japanese cartoons, comic books, or video games. Another popular bento style is "oekakiben" or "picture bento",decorated to look like people, animals, buildings and monuments, or items such as flowers and plants. 

Ruralmommy Bento is uncomplicated,minimal,and artless. Just my personal touch of inventive baon-fix up for my daughter,projected to minimize leftover chips and bonbons at home. Dot is a picky eater, but with bento, she enjoys every bite,(**shares to giddy classmates) no matter how boring and redundant her snacks are!

Since I am using an unconventional type of  Bento .I prepare dot's snacks not lunch. I am not (yet) crafting a pictographic bento, but will surely put that into practice.


First Japan Yen Shop Collectanea for dot's baon!

Plain buoyant bread,sliced bananas(presoaked in Sprite),yummy flakes and processed cheese with gelastic heart and star poles
Mini galletas,processed cheese,choco whole grain cereal,candy-coated chocolates and a Lion Baton

Wafer w choco syrup,choco filled crackers,cereal,cheesy cake sandwich and a cheery toad

Apples in Choco Syrup,Dwarf Mallows,Choco-Filled Crackers and a Bunny Raft

Martes, Pebrero 4, 2014

In Sync ("A Mom-Pop Close By" Saga) - Part 1

TS Haiyan brought my Mom and Pop in close proximity with my family.
They're now permanently residing here in Ormoc(temporarily staying in a pad close by),also running an optical business,just right across mine.

The purpose of this journal is to note down milestones of another chapter of our lives.
That is...

 THEIR shift of locality and the unforeseen modification of MY perspectives.

Fate brought them here just in time when I get trapped in terrible anxiety.
They helped me out, rally round...
They facilitate my doings, helped me think optimistically.
They are the coolest parents,
And I will be forever grateful.

Here are some alterations and modifications to our lives now that they're here !
1.) Having a safe hideout during no-companion hours.
2.) Free food almost always. I contribute every so often of course.
3.) Greater probability of saving than splurging. Lunches!
4.)  Batch cooking now conceivable.
5.) Feasible CashCans.
6.) "Hike and stride" daily brisk walking exercise is now doable!
7.) An unflagging shopping mate! I am referring to Mama!
8.) Constant companions during stick out months

I am one lucky creature ;-)